Did you know there's a new portable mosquito light that uses a special light frequency to keep mosquitos out of your yard?
I recently moved from the west to the east coast for a new media role, but after sitting outside enjoying the skyline one evening I quickly realized I wasn’t in a mosquito free town anymore. Mosquitos saw me as their meal, and they attacked.
A dozen mosquito bites later I knew I had to do something, or my evenings would be dominated by mosquito bites making my summer life here a living hell.
So I started researching every product under the sun to see what the top rated mosquito repellants were. The only problem is most of the best ones also used toxic chemicals, and I didn’t want to use toxic chemicals or smelly candles to keep them at bay. I was starting to get frustrated, so before bed I posted to facebook asking if any of my friends had any suggestions.
My Friends Brilliant Advice...
The next morning I woke up to a message from a friend who works as an electrical engineer for a major tech company. He told me about a new product one of his friends just created called which is an anti-mosquito device that uses a brand new light wave technology to attract and kill mosquitoes fast. “Does it actually work?” I asked. Here’s what he said:
So I ordered one for $39 and decided to give it a try. It showed up within 3 days of ordering it, and I put it to the test. First thing I noticed is that it came beautifully packaged. It’s definitely not some cheaply made “made in China” product.
It also has a really cool solar panel that recharges the device in the day for all night protection. It was potentially perfect for my outdoor area.
I also noticed it uses a lithium battery in the center to power the coils to attract and zap the mosquitos and create the UV frequency that lures them in, and the battery lasts for over 20 hours. It can also be charged with any USB charging device. Perfect for taking with you on the road.
The Real Test - How Effective Is this Killing Mosquitoes?
Moment of truth…. The mosquitoes were already out in force, so I turned it on, and set it on the ledge - away from me and at the far end of the yard.
What happened next is extraordinary. Within a matter of minutes, there were no more mosquitos bothering me. I couldn’t believe it. I poured myself a glass of wine and just waited… nothing but peace and quiet. No buzzing in my ear, no itching my neck, no swatting my arms. Just peace and quiet. It worked. I went inside without a single bite (and haven't had one since I started using it).
"They'll Be Sold Out Before Summer"
Later that night I messaged my friend to tell him it was a success, and he was excited for me. He told me he’s also excited for his friend who makes it because due to the New Anti-Mosquito Light effectiveness at getting rid of mosquitos they’re selling out quickly.
So if you’re reading this blog and want one, I suggest grabbing yours sooner than later before they sell out for the summer. Because this will be the best bug control you put in your yard this year.
Previously I couldn’t spend more than ten minutes outside during summer before getting bitten half a dozen times, but as I settled down to read a book with a glass of wine, with New Anti-Mosquito Light turned on, I noticed there were no annoying critters trying to use me for an easy dinner.
I dozed off on my porch in my t-shirt and shorts (usually a terrible idea in spring), but when I woke up 2 hours later, I hadn't been bitten once!
Then I Took It Camping
The next weekend I went camping with my buddies by the river in Marshalls Creek, a beautiful area but a notorious mosquito spot. I took New Anti-Mosquito Light along with us and turned it on as we sat drinking beers in the evening.
I put New Anti-Mosquito Light about 50 feet from camp so the bugs would go there.
“That thing is gonna have it’s work cut out” said my friend as he vigorously applied toxic repellent to his legs. But I took the risk of relying solely on New Anti-Mosquito Light, and I’m so glad I did.
After a whole evening sat under the stars, my legs and arms were bite- free, along with the rest of my friends. Of course, the next day, first thing they did was ask me where to get that device I’d brought along.
They couldn’t believe it, and neither could I. Trust me, I don’t use this term often, but New Anti-Mosquito Light is simply AMAZING.
Conclusion: It's A No-Brainer
With an ultra-simple setup it takes literally 20 seconds to get New Anti-Mosquito Light up and running out of the box. Just switch it on, it’s as easy as that. But wait…
I can hear the questions now… how large an area does New Anti-Mosquito Light provide protection from mosquitoes?
Answer – up to 350sq ft! I’ve never had a problem with mosquitoes since, in any room I’ve placed it in, even my open plan living room. And as for outside, New Anti-Mosquito Light is fully rechargeable by solar and USB so i can take it outside so it keeps everyone from getting bitten in my garden when I have them round for BBQ’s or gatherings.
Here Are The Details:
1. ADVANCED UV TECHNOLOGY – BugAwayPro incorporates proprietary UV technology that attracts 5x more mosquitoes than any other device on the market.
2. UP TO 350 SQ FT COVERAGE – From back porches to living rooms, to gardens and lakeside camping spots, BugAwayPro keeps you, your family and friends protected from pesky mosquito bites.
3. SUPER-SIMPLE TO USE – Just plug it in to recharge and take it anywhere, and it will instantly begin trapping mosquitoes so they no longer give you any trouble.
4. STURDY, COMPACT DESIGN – This thing discreetly sits in any corner of the room blending into the environment, and is compact and light enough to take on any camping trip without weighing you down.
5. HOURS OF WIRELESS POWER – Despite it’s amazing effectiveness at eradicating mosquitoes from large areas, it’s incredibly energy efficient and can run for up to 14 hours without being plugged in.